Hi there

Do you have a child or a teen who is super hyper? Interrupts others? Fidgets? Makes careless mistakes? Struggles with staying still? Having problems with staying focused? Not sleeping well? Disorganized? Big emotional outbursts? Unable to keep friends? Distracted and not listening? Lacks motivation for doing schoolwork? Unable to follow directions consistently?

If you have answered “yes” to above, and you need more calm and joy at home, then read on.

While some of the above issues may be common in children and teenagers, if many of the answers got a "yes" then this could be a child that has a neurological uniqueness, i.e. ADHD.

ADHD can be of hyperactive type, impulsive, inattentive or any combination of those. Enhanced understanding of this condition is a 1st step to acceptance and helping the child thrive. My role is to share some of the tools for helping parents who are raising children, tweens and teens with ADHD. I rely on a unique framework for consistent positive results. This framework came out of my integration of the obtained knowledge and experience in Neurology, Children’s Development, Psychology, Positive Discipline Parenting, Mindfulness, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

About me

Hi! I am Galina Nikolskaya, M.D. Many call me Dr. Galina, as that is way easier to pronounce :)

I am a Neurologist, Certified Positive Discipline parent educator, a mother of 2 kids, with a passion for helping children, tweens and teens whose life has been affected adversely by ADHD.

This topic is personal as one of my tweens has ADHD, so I do have an understanding of what it’s like to be a mom of a tree climbing, hyperfocusing, defiant, anxious, creative, and joyful ninja.

I have developed ADHD guidance framework as a result of my training as a brain doctor, my time spent teaching the children, clinical experience working with many families, studying Psychology, training in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (Beck Institute) and Mindfulness, Positive Discipline Parenting training and certification, and being a mommy to a child with ADHD.

*That last training has been the most rigorous with a steep learning curve and some creativity :)


  • Complimentary call between myself and the family which takes about 30 minutes. *Information that is relevant to me is prior medical and psychological history of a child, tween or teen, academic performance, social functioning, i.e. relationships with peers, types of family interactions with the parents and with the siblings, and sleep patterns.
  • I meet with the family on a recurring basis which can be as frequent, and can continue for as long as the family’s situation and the child, tween or teen’s unique situation requires.
  • The meetings are held in the comfort of the family’s home so the child can feel most at ease. I observe the family and the child, tween or teen’s interactions in the home setting. This helps me get a better understanding of the home situation and family dynamic.
  • After each meeting, I formulate a plan which is discussed with the family and then a child. The collaborative approach is vital to the overall effectiveness of the process.


  • Social emotional: Regulating Negative Emotions, Making and Keeping Friends, Assertiveness, Self- Respect, Handling Criticism with Grace, Positive Reframing, Resilience, Lack of patience, Interrupting, Excess Arguing, Impulsive Behaviors.
  • School/Academic support: Letters for school explaining child or teen’s condition and specific needs, Official letters for support of a 504 or IEP.
  • Physical: Poor sleep, Headaches, Tics, Nail Biting, Poor Eating Habits, Self-Harm
  • Cognitive Performance: Lack of Motivation, Mental Fatigue, Suboptimal school performance, Executive dysfunction, Distractibility, Poor Regulation of Attention
  • Family Dynamic: Being Uncooperative, Disrespecting Family Values; Strained Negative relationships with the siblings; TenseRelationships with the Parents.


Parents are integral to a child's progress. I teach the parents how to form more connected relationships with their child or their teen utilizing the principles of Positive Discipline. I utilize neuroscience-backed tools to help parents learn how to manage difficult situations.

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